I found this resource by Ryan Pedersen on Thomas Lorenzo OBRAY today. This PDF file includes pictures and an interesting time line (I have not verified any of the sources). http://pedersenplanet.com/stories/Thomas%20Lorenzo%20Obray.pdf
1821 July 23rd: Birth - Pembroke, Pembroksire Wales. He was the 7th of 10 children.
1823 Jan 8th: Christening
1844 September 25th: LDS Baptism
1852-1853: President of the Malta Mission. He labored as a missionary
in England in the Kent Conference, presiding over that conference part of the
time, and was called to fill a mission in Malta, November 1, 1851. After being ordained a High Priest, Elder Obray landed in Malta in May, 1852, having been sent by Apostle Lorenzo Snow to preside over the Malta Mission.
He went back to England on account of his health, arriving there April 23, 1853, but returned to Malta, June 19, 1853. While he was absent James F. Bell acted as president of the Malta Mission. Elder Obray raised up a branch of the Church in Malta, was released in November, 1853, and left Liverpool, England, March 22,1854, bound for Utah.
1854 June 24th: Married to Louise Shelton
1854 Oct. 17th: Married to Martha Shelton
1856: After his arrival in Utah he settled in Wellsville, Cache Co., in 1856, being one of the first settlers in that place.
1857 Aug. 2nd: Married to Caroline Brenchley
1864 April 30th: Married to Ruth N. Bradshaw
1881-1882: He filled a mission to England.
*Church Chronology - page 185
Arrested for Polygamy : In first District Court, at Ogden, Thomas L Obray, of Paradise, Cache Co., was sentenced by Judge Henderson to three months imprisonment, for U.C.
* Church Chronology - page 187 `1890
1890 Saturday May 24: In first District Court, at Ogden, Thomas L Obray, of Paradise, Cache Co., was sentenced by Judge Henderson to three months imprisonment, for U.C.
* Church Chronology - page 187
1890 Saturday Aug 9th: Thomas L Obray of Paradise, Cache Co., was discharged from the Penitentiary.
* CENSUS: 1880
Census Place: Paradise, Cache, Utah
* Source: FHL Film 1255335 National
Archives Film T9-1335 Page 172C
1892 April 25th:
NEWSPAPER: The following
warranty deeds were filed for record on Saturday: Thomas L. Obray Sr., and
wife to P.O. Hansen, 81.35 acres, Paradise farm realty, $3,000. Logan 1892
May 2nd:
NEWSPAPER: The Standard --- Logan Utah 3 May 1892 edition
The following transfers were filed for record on Saturday: Townsite deed from Cache
county to Thos. L.Obray for lots 4 and 5, block 28, plat A, Paradise survey.
1899 Oct 21st: Thomas died on Oct 21 1899 in Paradise,Cache,Utah, United States; he was 78.
1899 Oct 24th: Burial Paradise Cemetery, Paradise, Cache County, Utah. Thomas is buried next to his wife Martha Shelton Obray.
Thomas, 32, married other wife Louisa enroute on 24 June 1854 (the same day she was baptized) with the James Brown Company. She died 4 days later (10 days after leaving Missouri) on the 28 of June. Sister puts death three weeks later. From measles/cholera.
Written by Louisa’s sister Eliza: . . . “when we got to St. Louis we bought our teams and wagons, cows, provisions and all our outfit for traveling on the plains, Charles and his family occupied one wagon and us girls and brother Albert the other, my sister Martha [Shelton], Louisa [Shelton Obray,] Emily [Shelton], and I were baptized at fort Leavenworth by Alonzo [Alondus D. Lafayette] Buckland on the 24th of June 1854 [4 June 1854] with some others, Louisa was married to Thomas Obray the same day, by the same man, Thomas was returning from a Mission from Malta coming to Utah, with his brother Sam[uel Obray] and family, we got the measles, all of our family except Charles & Sam, they were the only ones that had already had them[.] we suffered very much, Rebbecca [Shelton], (my brothers wife) had the Cholera morbus, suffered dreadfully till death came to her relief, my sister Louisa first had the measles. she was commencing to get better with them when she took a backset[.] Cholera set in and she worse off after being a bride just 3 weeks, Thomas [Obray] took this pretty hard, also my brother Charles was worn out with waiting on the sick and his children died one after another till 5 were layd away all but his oldest son Alfred, it is hard to imagine that mans feelings, I dont know how the poor man stood it, a great number of our company died, and us girls continued very weak and poorly[.] not much appetite and Diareah [diarrhea] all the way to the Valley, we traveled on under trials and difficulties till we arrived in Salt Lake City 29. Sep. 1854, pretty well worn out, and also our teams, nevertheless was much rejoiced to view a city after our long march full of hope for the future, for now we were to the end of our journey and among the saints of God,” (Keeler, Eliza Shelton, Autobiography and journal, [ca. 1886-1898], 10-12.)
Brother Charles, who also buried 5 children and his wife in that same period, writes that Thomas was sealed to Louisa’s sister Martha when they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.
Here is a link to Thomas', Martha's, and Caroline's headstones from a previous post on this blog: http://tams-hickman.blogspot.com/2007/08/thomas-lorenzo-obray-caroline-brenchley.html.
Some additional history: http://www.obrays.com/tlobray.htm